Phytopharmaceutical Industry


Phytopharmaceutical industrial plants employ derivatives in order to prevent, relieve or cure diseases.

Records from ancient times have been found teaching us about healing plants and their extracts; much of this knowledge is empirical. In recent times, Pharmacognosy (science that deals with the study of drugs and drug substances of natural origin) is used for the study of natural medicine.

Today, herbal medicine is made of standardized and purified extracts, which meet established quality standards, but also by simple extracts (those obtained by maceration of the plant in a solvent).

Having this knowledge offers the Eclat Laboratory phytotherapeutic extracts market guaranteed best quality based on international standards and even with flexibility to prepare extracts with the specifications that our customers need. To meet their requirements, each new development is submitted through investigation so that the extract that reaches your hands is the best on the market.

According to our goal of constant innovation and thanks to our quality, we have an agreement with the National Council for Science and Technology for the purchase of a spray dryer which will allow us to develop dry extracts to facilitate their use in the phytopharmaceutical industry.

Disclaimer ECLAT @2019